Is the ACP Program Ending

Affordable Connectivity Program shortly known as ACP, is a government support initiative that helps the eligible households and families pay their internet services and electronic devices at lower prices.

When the program started, a monthly discount of $30 was given on internet service and up to $75 per month for those families who qualified tribal lands. The houses that were eligible were the ones whose income was 200% less than the federal government’s poverty line. The program started in 2021 by FCC through a bipartisan infrastructure bill. They had separate funding for the program which ran out in April 2024.

Is the ACP Program Ending for Cell Phones?

The ACP program for cell phones has completely ended as of 1 June, 2024. The FCC stopped accepting applications from February 2024. The main reason behind the ACP’s ending is the lack of sufficient funds from the congress.

Those who are on Medicaid can have their cellphone benefits by giving an application for a lifeline program. This is a separate program that helps to make internet and phone more affordable.

Is the ACP Program Ending in California?

Yes the ACP program has ended in California also like other states for the eligible families. The program was serving more than 23 million households.

There are few things you can do after ACP has ended for you:

  1. You much check the website of California Lifeline program that is also a service that can help you in discounted internet packages.
  2. You must keep a check on review notices from your internet service provider and USAC.
  3. Call your ISP to get details about how the cancellation of ACP will affect your bill and internet services.
  4. Search out for other ISP’s, many of them have as low as $50 per month internet services.
  5. You can also buy your own equipment for as much as a $100. It will save you extra costs.

What is the ACP extension 2024?

The complete extension of ACP is Affordable Connectivity Program. A congress funded program that helped low income families have access to affordable internet and devices.

How Much Will the ACP Budget in 2024?

The Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act of 2024, it will be providing a $7 billion in funding for ACP to keep the program running throughout the remainder of 2024. The program has officially stopped taking new applications and has been intimated to all the users of the program respectively.

Who is Blocking ACP Funding?

Congressional Republicans have stood in the way of ACP funding, any efforts done by other members to keep the program going has been brutally halted. The blocking of this program will directly affect 23 million families, causing them an extra burden on their household budget. Many young democrats protested as they had tirelessly worked to make the ACP happen. The blocking of this initiative would mean derailing the fast growing IT economy which is vital in the age of AI and deep learning.

ACP Program Ending Reddit

If you want to know how people reacted to the ACP closure, you must check out Reddit, the kind of enraged people are at the Congress is frightening.

A Reddit user wrote that, it was not a congressional initiative rather an FCC. And the Biden’s administration did not bother to sleep over it or veto the decision to buy some time for proper decision making on this.

Another wrote that, such programs are being held to giveaway tax payer’s money to big corporations. Such programs don’t give positive and effective outcomes.

Another said, the program was introduced to help the families during the Covid19 pandemic and now the pandemic is over.

The LifeLine Program

This is another program by the US government for states, like California, Oregon, Texas. It is also aimed at helping low income households getting discounted internet services.

You visit to get details if you are living in the three mentioned states.

  1. You must also qualify for the program, which will be based on your income, or your participation in a government assistance program.
  2. If you qualify you can sign up in few simple steps from the given link.
  3. You can select an internet service provider of your choice, or if you are getting a service currently, you can ask your company to transfer the service to your lifeline program.
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